Selasa, 03 September 2013

How To Stop Auto Retweet and Auto Following in Twitter

(Tutorial  + Picture) Step By Step How to Stop Auto Retweet (retweet by self, Auto RT), Auto Follow, Auto Post, and the Auto DM in our Twitter Account
How To Stop Auto Retweet and Auto Following in Twitter

Yesterday, many friends ask me about how to stop auto retweet. They tell stories that any people do spamming with their account using auto retweet bot. Because of auto retweet bot some of our friends had been unfollowed by their follower and some other decide to deactivate their account. Here we will explain how to stop auto retweet and auto following from your account. Please share this in twitter to help your friend. Yesterday i see that the spammer has been retweeted 11.000 times. wow.

This is the step by step to stop and delete auto retweet from our twitter acccount (click the picture if you want to enlarge picture)

1. the first of all, you should know that your account is not being hijacked (or hacked), and you are also not being pished, so it is useless mate to change password, email, or user id. Those action will not stop auto retweet bot from your account

2. Auto retweet happened in our account because we accidentally authorizing Apps (Application) which made by spammer. These Apps  usually have a logo and name like twitter (officialy). Trust me that is spammer, that is fake. These are examples of spammers Apps. Outside there are still many other, so be carefull.

How To Stop Auto Retweet and Auto Following in Twitter
Auto retweet apps which named acces request

How To Stop Auto Retweet and Auto Following in Twitter
Auto retweet apps which named Info Kuis

How To Stop Auto Retweet and Auto Following in Twitter
Auto retweet apps which named Verifikasi Akses

3. To stop auto retweet and auto follow you can go to setting like as below. Please simply click the image gear (corner up) then click setting.

How To Stop Auto Retweet and Auto Following in Twitter

4. the final step is click Apps --> then Revoke Acces

How To Stop Auto Retweet and Auto Following in Twitter

5. If you confused which apllicationis causing auto retweet, you can REVOKE all unkown Apps acces. For your info, until now, our internet marketer only use three apps, there are Tweepie, Twetdeck, and Hootsuite. I.e. i can guarantee that Hootsuite, Twetdeck and Tweepie are save for used.

6. Refresh your browser guys

7. Now your twitter is secure again. The spammer will  not abble to force retweet in your account.

let share this article to facebook and twitter to help other people in the world :)

In this closing we will tell you why the spammer can force you to auto retweet. Look again this picture carefully.

How To Stop Auto Retweet and Auto Following in Twitter

feature #1 will make you following other people automatically. This is automatically as desired as the spammer want. Do you now  guys that the spammer do this for earn revenue by selling follower. With this feature, they can sell real human follower and country targeted, usually  5 bucks/1.000 follower

feature #2 is used to spamming and auto retweet in your account. With this feature, the spammer can force you to post as he/she want. Usually they do this for increase the traffic to their website/blog/social media.

feature #3 shows that the application can not see your password, so if you change your password, user ID, and  email, it will useless or not be able to stop auto retweet.

Guys, do you want to know how the spammer do this? i will tell you if i see at least 20 comments by 20 people in this article .
Lets share to our friend and help other to know How To Stop Auto Retweet and Auto Following from Our Twitter Account

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